Inteview with Film Composer…Andrew Scott Bell.

Welcome to my latest interview, it’s with Andrew Scott Bell, who is a film composer, and this will be my first with one. He’s scored music for Emmy award-winning and Academy Award nominee Ava DuVernay for one of her shows. Millions of people have heard his music in over 2 dozen countries for one film he […]

Interview with Welsh Actor Richard Goss

Richard Goss is a Welsh actor who is pursuing his dream as an actor and also a screenwriter in London. His show Fried has won many awards and we chat about that in our interview. He talks about the challenges of being the creator of the show and an actor. Also, he gets a little […]

Chat with Grace Aki …International Storyteller and Playwright

Welcome to my newest chat with Grace Aki, who is a Georgia Peach living her dream in New York as a creative and storyteller with her one woman show To Free A Mockingbird which by the way is a must see. She’s been acting and entertaining since she was a kid and I met her […]

Interview with Director Steve Johnson

My newest chat is with Steve Johnson from Glasgow, Scotland. He is an award-winning film director and shares with me his joys of directing and the challenges, too. He completed one feature film in just 12 days.  Steve also shares with me advice he would give to someone who is pursuing a career in film […]

Interview with Milyssa Rose …Singer and Model.

  Milyssa Rose is a model, actor, and singer. Since she was a child, Milyssa Rose knew she was destined for a creative life, driven by her passion. She has been involved in community theatre and been in commercials and many talent shows.  I’ve seen her perform at an event in Atlanta one time, and […]

Interview with Darren Pierce …Candiate for Sheriff in Whitfield County.

  Welcome, to an interview with a local who loves his community and family. Darren Pierce is running for Sheriff as the Republican nominee for this year’s election in November. I’ve known Darren for years and used to work with him at Sheriff’s Office. I thought it would be good to speak with him, so […]

Interview with Scott Kyle…Actor and Producer.

I’ve been wanting to do this interview since May with Scott Kyle who is from Scotland, and finally it’s here for all of you to read. Scott has been acting for quite some time and loves what he does. He gives back to his commnuity and has a passion of helping others.  He’s acted on […]

Interview with Director Adam Nelson of “The Mire”

My newest chat is with Adam Nelson of Portsmouth, England. He’s a film director as well as a poet. He shares with me the joys of directing and how they outweigh the challenges. He loves the creative process of it all. We also talk a little about Stanley Kubrick who produced and directed The Shining […]

Interview with Actor and Director-Kashun Parks

My newest chat is with very talented Kashun Parks from Chattanooga. She’s involved in theatre in Chattanooga and surrounding cities. She’s an actor and director who directed one of my favorite plays of the year. I won’t share that right now, but she talks about it with me. She shares with me her love of theatre […]

Interview with Richard T. Wilson…Emmy Award Winner Writer.

Richard T. Wilson is a multi-award writer and filmmaker. He’s best known for creating his Emmy Award-winning teen drama series Maple Avenue. He’s been writing  for quite awhile, and he has just released his newest book, Hemlock Ave on April 26. I had the pleasure of reading it.  He shares with me the joys and challenges […]