Chat with Roxzane T. Mims…Atlanta Actor, Director and So Much More!

My latest interview is with Roxzane T. Mims. She was raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Her mother was an opera singer who chose to raise her baby daughters, rather than pursue a demanding career that would require her to leave them for two years. Her love of acting started watching her mother rehearse and perform in just about every community theatre production in town. She followed suit with school plays and the local theater. Eventually expanding to local commercials. She later moved to Atlanta and has been active in the acting community since 1989.  She has been in various roles on television from “Greenleaf”,  “Being Mary Jane”, “Star” to films “The Simple Life of Noah Dearborn” with Sidney Poitier as well as starring in the film “Mosaic” which can be viewed on Amazon.
Introducing Roxzane… 
What do you love about your life right now?
That I’m finally beginning to feel like a “working” actor instead of “I hope this happens for me”.  Don’t get me wrong, I
have a lot more I want to do and a lot more work to do to get there. But at my age, I finally see real hope that it could happen.
Are you fearless in going after your dreams?
I wish I could say yes to fearless, but even if fear rears its ugly head, I’m still going for it. “God has not given us a spirit of fear…” I hold on to that.
 If you weren’t acting, what would you be doing?
Directing or singing I can do both pretty well.
Or I’d be pretty miserable in some job and doing Community Theater, so I don’t kill someone. That’s kind of a joke.
 Was there a particular actor or film that inspired you to act?
Truthfully, my Mother in “Madam Butterfly” and in “Raisin in the Sun”; both productions brought professionals in from New York, and she killed it.  
Roxzane in “My Cousin Vinny”

You have played many different roles; your filmography is impressive on IMDb.  You’ve played a judge, lawyer, detective, mother, police chief, and your most recent role of Darlene on the hit show “Greenleaf”. Do you have a favorite role?

I absolutely love Darlene. There are sides of myself I rarely get to use in my acting. She’s motherly, business, sassy, protective, and playful. Yeah, I love “me” in her.
Roxzane with cast members of “Star”
Which role was the hardest to prepare for?
My role ins “Mosaic” as Ruth Anderson. There is coldness, hardness, and cruelness about the way she loves that I had to find.  I understand why it was there, but it was so different from the way I operate I had to go someplace unfamiliar. But it was so much fun. I recently had to go there again in an online miniseries called “Thick Skin” check it out.
What have you enjoyed about being in the cast of “Greenleaf”?
Working on a top-notch show with highly professional, generous and kind seasoned actors? What’s not to enjoy? I appreciate every bit of it.
 Do you have a favorite character or two on the show?
Or 3 or 4 or? I love these people. If I must:
Lady Mae you don’t play with, but to see her vulnerable side peak out is magic. (And to know Lynn Whitfield is the loveliest person ever makes it more so).
Grace without question always keeps me guessing which side of her we will see; I love that because that’s all of us. Dealing with our Faith walk in this crazy world sure ain’t easy.
 Jacob, I love seeing him…. break free I guess. In the beginning, he seemed so lost and now I see all this manliness, this strength, it’s very cool.  
Roxzane with Lynn Whitfield who plays Lady Mae on “Greenleaf”
Roxzane as Darlene with Merle Dandridge who plays Grace on “Greenleaf”
For those who are not actors but who want to become one, what’s the process to book a role? How do you hear about parts?
Now that’s the question of the year. For non-actors:
 How do you become a Doctor…a Lawyer…? A CPA? A Realtor, a Restaurant Manager?
My point, there is nothing about this business that is quick and easy. I know it looks like it sometimes with all the reality show stars. That is not real acting. Real acting is a true craft that you need to study, work hard and apply yourself to just be decent and even more so if you want to be really good. If starting later in life (like me), you have the small advantage of life experience you can use, but you still need to learn your craft. And it is not a speed learning craft. (Just my opinion).
For actors without an agent looking for roles: Actors Access, Facebook, 800casting, Casting Network. Going to film festivals and making contacts especially in this market because there are so many new filmmakers doing their own thing. The next Tyler Perry or Donald Glover is right here in our mist.
 For you, what are some of the joys of acting?
Doing the work to find you in a character and seeing it come to life (even with auditions you may never get to perform anywhere else). Then having someone else see it and recognize it as good work, that’s nice. Plus, it’s fun, like being a kid and getting the first bike that you can’t ride. You fall, but you are so excited to learn how to ride.
Can you tell me about the challenges of acting and how you learn to face them?
Finding the money to do all the things needed to advance your career. Classes, headshots, demo reels, casting websites, maintaining hair, nails etc. Not to mention paying your everyday bills. And if you have a day job the challenge is being able to do the auditions and jobs and not lose said job.
I did a lot of bartering for classes, seasonal jobs, catering jobs and any paying acting gigs no matter how small. I had a good support system (not financial, emotional) that encouraged me.
What advice would you give to someone who is pursuing acting as a career?
Never stop learning, growing, and exploring in your craft. Don’t let the grind keep you from having fun in the process. It can get overwhelming if you let it.
 Tell me three fun facts about you.
I love… being a Neene (grandmother, but don’t call me that).
I can be really silly (ask anyone who’s seen me do “the Wizard of Oz”).
You pronounce my name “Rock zOn” not “rocks Ann”. I didn’t name me, and my mom was adamant about saying it correctly, so I am too. Ask anyone who knows me.
I share motivational and inspiring quotes with my readers, can you share one with me that motivates you?
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path.
 Who are your biggest supporters?
My whole family and my ex-husband (who expects to get one of the two Academy Award guest tickets when I’m nominated, lol); he did spend a lot of years making sure the bills were paid while I used my money for my career.
 If there was one thing that you could change in the world,
what would that be?
The fact that racism is still so prevalent and accepted in this day and age. I hate that my grandbabies will have to endure it.
 As well as acting, you’ve also have directed as well. Do you enjoy directing and are you planning on directing in the near future?
I do enjoy it, and if the opportunity comes up I might. But my focus currently is in front of the camera. Directing is no joke,  and I don’t feel like I’m good enough to do both at the same time. Maybe in a few years.
Roxzane directing.
Any actor or director you would love to work with?
Meryl Streep, Angela Bassett, Viola Davis, Denzel Washington, Matthew McConaughey, Don Cheadle …Way too many to name.
Also, Ava DuVernay and Shonda Rhimes again to many to name
In your opinion, what makes a woman beautiful?
What makes a beautiful Person is: Kindness, compassion and a heart that can love (even the unlovely) and is able to forgive. We all need that and should strive to be that which isn’t easy.
Roxzane with Richard Roundtree
Follow Roxzane on social media:
Twitter:  Roxzane
Instagram: Roxzane Mims