Interview with Singer, Songwriter, and CEO James Worthy

James Worthy is a record producer, singer, songwriter and actor. Originating from New York, he currently lives in Atlanta, pursuing his creative endeavors. He shares with me about him meeting the King of Pop and how that meeting influenced his life. He shares about his latest EP “Cups of Koffee” and three fun facts about himself.

Introducing James…

What do you love about your life right now?

I love that my life is simple, but complex at the same time. I’ve accomplished so many great things, and goals at a very young age, which make me continue to thrive, and want more.

As a Grammy Award producer, can you share with me what exactly a producer does for an artist? I know you’ve worked with T-Pain, Travis Scott, Justin Bieber and others.

A producer is someone who is involved in the process of making a masterpiece from start to finish. That includes the music production, arrangement, writing, mixing, and overall concept of the product.

Do you have a favorite artist you’ve worked with? I imagine you may have more than one.

There are several artists that I’ve enjoyed working with, but it’s hard to name just one. Each artist has a unique way of working, and style which makes my job worth getting out of bed for.

You recently released your 3rd EP “Cups of Koffee” and I’m enjoying it on Spotify. I especially enjoy the songs, “Wishful” and “City Love” featuring Brian McKnight Jr. Did you write all the songs?

Thank You for listening. COK is probably my best body of work, because I’ve truly taken my time to craft it from top to bottom with the help of my collaborators Ronell Sessoms and James JG Gilmore. I wanted to show the growth and elevation of James Worthy as an artist.

How was the collaboration with Brian?

It’s one of my favorite songs. Myself, and Brian got introduced to each other about 3 or 4 years back through mutual friends. I’m always open to collaborating with like-minded individuals, and he was one of them. “City Love” was actually the 1st song we ever did, which was fairly quick in the process. Fast forward to Cups Of Koffee, and here we are.

What’s your process for writing a song? I’m curious because I’ve written a few myself and I love learning about the steps a creative go through to complete their art.

Well, everyone has a different way of writing, but mines is pretty simple. I usually start with a top line melody for me to get inspired on potentially where I could go with it.

Once I have one, then the words start flowing. Before you know it, I have a concept already formed to start putting the puzzle together. But in order to do that, I usually have some type of skeleton track as a reference for me to hear.

You’re a music producer, actor, singer, songwriter, and CEO of your own label. That’s a few hats you’re wearing in the creative field. Do you have a favorite creative one?

They all serve their own purpose in different ways, so in my mind, I really can’t have one without the other. I wear those hats, because as a creative you sometimes fall into being a perfectionist, so in each phase I have to approve before the masses see or hear anything.

You have quite the story of meeting one of the best singers and artists of all time-Michael Jackson. From what I’ve read, he influenced you to go this way, and you also met him. What was that experience like to have met him and to see your dreams come true as a music artist as well?

That experience was one to remember. I was 11 years old. Really, the biggest take away was that I got to meet someone I admired, and grew up listening to. That moment kind of lit the spark towards me deciding to pursue music as a profession.

Is there any advice you would give to someone who wants to pursue a career in the music industry?

My advice would be to not only understand what type of business you’re entering, but understanding why you’re doing it. If you’re doing it for the right reasons, it will never feel like a job, and you’ll enjoy the fruits of your labor.


We all have experienced failure, and sometimes success follows it. Do you have a favorite failure and if so, why?

Yes, I’ve had many failures in life and in business. From people suing me to bad contracts, etc. To me, it’s not about which was the favorite, but more so about how I came out of it. The answer was to be patient, learn from the mistakes, and also learn from those who are far greater than me.

If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what message would you want to convey to millions? What would it say and why?

It would say Humble Greatness. We all possess greatness inside, but it takes a certain type of person to truly unlock that which takes a certain humility.

Describe yourself in one word.


This is one of my favorite parts of the chat, James. Share with me your 3 fun facts about yourself.

My favorite place to travel is Europe.

I love sushi.

First album I ever bought was “Midnight Marauders.”

I love ending the chat with a quote. Do you have a favorite quote or saying that has inspired and motivated you in your life that you can share with my readers?

“Anything worth working for is worth fighting for.”

Thank you for reading my interview with James. Follow him on social media.



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