Interview with Darren Pierce …Candiate for Sheriff in Whitfield County.


Welcome, to an interview with a local who loves his community and family. Darren Pierce is running for Sheriff as the Republican nominee for this year’s election in November. I’ve known Darren for years and used to work with him at Sheriff’s Office. I thought it would be good to speak with him, so he can share his dream with all of you.  

Introducing Darren Pierce…

What do you love about your life right now?

I love being able to watch my children enjoy their childhood, play sports, and hang out with their friends. We have a great life thanks to our amazing family, friends, and church, and we are blessed beyond what we deserve.

You recently won the Republican nominee in the May election to run for sheriff in the November election for Whitfield County. Congrats on the win. How did you decide to run for sheriff? 

When I first entered law enforcement at a young age (18 years old), I knew that one day when I got older, I would run for sheriff. It’s been a dream of mine from the beginning to run for the position of sheriff. Back in the Fall of 2023, the Lord put it on my heart to run for Sheriff. We prayed hard about the decision, and I met with my pastor. I explained to him the situation and told him I was getting confirmation through prayer to run. So here we are. I owe it all to our Lord.

What do you want the citizens of Whitfield County to know about you?

I was born and raised in Whitfield County. My wife, my children, and I live in Rocky Face, Ga. with our two dogs. Law Enforcement has been my life since I was 18 years old. It’s in my blood and my heart. It’s a passion of mine. I believe my accomplishments during my career with the Whitfield County Sheriff’s Office have prepared me to take over the Sheriff’s Office and lead it in a positive direction by maintaining professionalism, honesty, and integrity. I’m very proactive and take pride in everything that I do. Ensuring that the job gets done with the highest expectations is my utmost determination. I’m a guy that you can easily get along with and call on for help if you need it.

For you, what have been the joys and challenges running for sheriff?

There have been many joys and challenges while running this campaign. Some of the joys have been meeting new people that I can call friends now. Listening to the concerns of the community and them having faith in me that I can get the job done. Being able to show people how passionate I am about the job has been another joy of mine. I take my children with me to events to show them you can make a difference in your community. It just takes courage to take that step. Having them watching me do the things I have, I hope, has inspired them and possibly others to take a stand and do what you can to fulfill your dreams and make a difference.

One challenge has been time management. I’ve had so many people call and want to meet or have lunch. There was a time I had to schedule meetings with people 2-3 weeks out. That has probably been the most challenging during this campaign. Trying to make it to every event that was going on has been challenging, but we made it work.

Tell me, what do you love about Whitfield County? Do you have a favorite part of town or restaurant?

I love the people. We have some outstanding citizens that still care about the county, its people, their communities, and the future of our county. My favorite area is probably Rocky Face or Tunnel Hill. I really don’t have a favorite restaurant but anything in downtown or the Red Wolfe Grill.

Who are your biggest supporters?

My family is my biggest support system.

You worked as a law enforcement officer within Whitfield County Sheriff’s Office a few years back. I imagine with that job and your current job, I’m sure you’ve experienced failure and success. Sometimes our greatest failure leads to success. Do you have a favorite failure? 

This is a difficult question. I would say that one of my failures that sticks in my mind is when I left the Sheriff’s Office 3 years ago. I felt I was giving up and 18-year career and leaving behind so many co-workers that were like family, now in retrospect I know that was the best move for my family at the time because it has allowed me to run for the position of Sheriff.

If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what message would you want to convey to millions? What would it say and why?

Jesus loves you. He loves everyone no matter what. We have to have a personal relationship with God. We have to give him the thanks, glory, and praise for everything in our lives.

Describe yourself in one word. 


This is one of my favorite parts of the interview. Tell me three fun facts about you, Darren.

Fact #1–I enjoy watching all sports, especially when my children are playing.

Fact #2–I hate being scared, even though my wife loves to scare me.

Fact #3–If I’m up past 9:00pm, something is wrong lol.

I love ending the chat with a quote. Do you have a favorite quote or saying that has inspired and motivated you in your life that you can share with my readers?

Keep positive, be the change, and keep moving forward. There are people in the world that love to hate, spread lies, and try to make others’ lives miserable. Never feed into the negativity, and keep pressing forward with positivity and love, and remember that no one is perfect.

Thank you for reading my interview with Darren. I love sharing individual’s dreams no matter what that may be. For some, they may want to be an actor on stage or film and for others like Darren, he wants to make a difference in the community that he has loved his entire life.

If you want to learn about Darren, follow him on social media.

