Interview with Javier… Photographer, Director and a comedian!

Javier pictured with what I believes he love the most…being a photographer.
Another interview to share today is with Javier McIntosh who is a comedian, photographer as well as a director. This is my third interview with him. In our first interview, he shares a motivational quote which stayed with me “don’t stop learning.” He goes on to say that it keeps him going and that with every obstacle and struggle, he knows that he becomes stronger. He also mentions that by continually learning that it will get him closer to his destination, his destiny. I have to add that since this interview, he’s closer to his destiny because he is pursuing his dreams as a photographer and is always sharing a book on Instagram which he is learning from.
I also saw him perform on stage as a comedian in a venue in Atlanta and his set was hilarious. 

So here’s my latest chat with Javier……..
C.S.Lewis has a quote that says “We read to know we are not alone”, do you agree? 
Just being a human nobody likes to be alone. I’m an extreme extrovert and I love being around people at all times. So for me, yes, I would have to agree.
I noticed that on Instagram, you share books that you’ve been reading. The latest book you read was “The One Thing” by Gary Keller. What was amazing about this book and why do you recommend it?
Gary talks a lot about the portraits of focusing on your one most important thing. And this is extremely important. A lot of the times people focus on many things and are drawn away from what is most important. This is bad because you’re constantly putting out fires instead doing what you really need to do.
I know this may be a little too soon to think about, have you thought about what legacy you would like to leave?
I just want to help and inspire as many people as possible. If I can inspire somebody to do something greater than what I’ve done that would be amazing. If somebody looks back and says. “hey Javier did this and because of that it made me do this great thing,” then I would be more than happy
You directed “Make Time for Love”, a dramedy, which stars Brad James and Africa Miranda, what did
you enjoy most about directing the pilot?
One of most enjoyable parts of the whole process was having the ability to take J. Carter’s words and put it on the big screen. Also, J.Carter give me the ability to build my own team, everyone from the Directors of Photography, to the grips, production managers, editor, to the sound guys and mixers. Working with people I love is amazing!!!! Everyone did AMAZING!!!!
You’ve been a photographer for awhile and cinematographer as well and now a director, what advice would you give to anyone who would like to pursue a business in this field?
Do what you love and you never work a day in your life. Do what you love and figure out how to make money doing it. My dad Eric McIntosh give me this advice and I’ve lived my whole life.
You’ve done numerous photo shoots, do you have a favorite actor or model that you’ve did a photo shoot with? And why?
I did a photo shoot for Dominque, one of the most well-known contestants for America’s Next Top Model. That was probably my best photo shoot just because she’s such a talented model and I was able to do it at Derek Blanks studios which is an amazing studio and talented photographer to be around.
When you were growing up, what did you imagine you would be doing?
I always planned to make money doing my art. Elementary school my aunt was more drawing and painting but as I got older I lean more towards film and video. Here I am now.
Are you living your dream?
I have been living the dream for a long time. Life is very good, especially when you compare it to people in other nations and countries. I’ve visited countries where people living there could not even imagine to do half of the things that I’ve already done in my young life. I feel fortunate that this is only the beginning and I’ve done so much so far.
Phoenix4Productions is a company that you’re involved with and from what I’ve read and see, Phoenix It seems like it is planning on taking over the world in the entertainment industry and also to make a difference in a world that is often filled with negative views. What part do you play with this production company and what do you love about being a part of it?
Frederick and Octavio are doing amazing things in the film industry. They’re constantly doing work in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and more. They are an inspiration to everyone that has a vision that want to do bigger things. They constantly impressed me and it’s just a joy to be around both of them and anyone that is involved with Phoenix 4 Productions.
If you were stranded on a desert island, who would you take with you and what movie?
I would take Christina Aguilera because I feel she is timeless and I can’t imagine being bored with such an amazing  and talented person.
I don’t normally bring up politics in interviews, but what’s your thoughts on this election year and if you were running for President, what would be your campaign slogan?
This election years politics is entertainment at its best! My slogan would be, “We’ve been great all along”
Behind the scenes…Javier directing Dani Deette(right) and Courtney Lynn Lakin (left).
Javier at photoshoot for a wedding
If you would like to follow Javier on his social links, please see below.