Interview with Milyssa Rose …Singer and Model.


Milyssa Rose is a model, actor, and singer. Since she was a child, Milyssa Rose knew she was destined for a creative life, driven by her passion. She has been involved in community theatre and been in commercials and many talent shows. 

I’ve seen her perform at an event in Atlanta one time, and she’s quite the performer. Her energy was infectious, fun, and uplifting. So, if you ever hear that she’s going to be at a show, you need to go see her sing.

One comment she said, “Embrace what makes you.” I love that. In our chat, we talk about mental health, failure, and her WHY as a creative. Her WHY is something you need to read. One thing she said has defintely 

Introducing Milyssa…

What do you love about your life right now?

I am 6 feet above ground. I am mobile, healthy, and financially stable.

Was there any singer or band that inspired to become a singer?

Madonna. She was always ahead of the curve and taking risks. Madonna is a music legend. She has set the stage for so many female artists.

In one interview I read you did with Canvas Magazine, you shared about your mental health issues. I believe we all struggle with that in our lives, and I know some struggle every day. How do you cope?

It is important for me to focus on what is going right. I have a habit of eating myself alive for the tiniest mistakes. I obsess over my imperfections. At times, I can live in my mind. Your mind can be a prison if you don’t get out of it. When I am getting in a negative headspace, I coach myself on what are my blessings. Refocus on my plans. I can’t control everything that goes on, but I can change how I handle them

We all have experienced failure, and sometimes success follows it. Do you have a favorite failure?

Locally, I participated in a singing competition, and my adrenaline got the best of me. I was a hot, winded, pitchy mess. It bothered me I couldn’t follow through with what I had practiced. I learned a lesson. Sometimes it is best not to go off script in stressful situations.

What’s your WHY in your life as a creative?

I want to impact people positively. I want people to feel inspired and motivated to take chances and be themselves. We live in a world where people think they have to act or look a certain way. We are all perfectly flawed. Embrace what makes you, and live it to the fullest.

Tell me about your song In the Sky: Dedication to D. Cox. What was your inspiration for writing the song?

D was my friend, engineer and producer. When he passed, my world was shattered. He was one of my many cheerleaders, and he also never told me what I wanted to hear. D helped and coached me to do better and grow. I wrote In the Sky for him. I know he is watching over and guiding me.

Besides being a singer, you’re also an actor in community theatre and model. What has been one of your favorite roles you’ve portrayed?

I was able to play the character Christmas Eve in an abridged version of Avenue Q in my voice teacher’s production. Not once, but twice.

Are you currently pursuing any acting roles?

If something sparks my acting bug, I would consider it.

Is there any advice you would give to someone who wants to pursue a career in music?

Register and copyright your music. Also, have ownership of what you create. The biggest thing creatively is to be yourself and not what you think will do well. Authenticity is what the world is lacking.

If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what message would you want to convey to millions? What would it say and why?

You have to live with yourself and your actions when you lay your head down at night. Make life count for yourself and others you love. I think I would like the billboard to say: Look up and live in the moment. People are too worried about catching every detail for social media. It’s like driving an expensive car to show off to someone at the light you’ll never see again. Live with purpose. No one cares how much money you have or material items. You have to be a solid human.

Tell me about the challenges and joys of being a singer.

Perfection not progress. I think as artists we want everything to be perfected. We stunt our growth if we nitpick ourselves to death. A joy would be music being my therapy. A space I can create and flourish in.

Who are your biggest supporters?

My husband, my family and my vocal coach, Valerie Kennedy.

What are you currently working on?

I am dropping an album entitled Control alongside a dance video on 7/5. I will then focus on a more rock album to be released at the end of the year.

Describe yourself in one word.



Milyssa, this is one of my favorite parts of the interview. Tell me three fun facts about you.

I collect Campbell’s kids’ stuff.

I run an electrical contracting business with my husband.

I love true crime and creepy things.

I love ending the chat with a quote. Do you have a favorite quote or saying that has inspired and motivated you in your life that you can share with my readers?

Expect the least out of others. When they go above and beyond, you are pleasantly surprised. In the entertainment world, people can be grimy. I learned my mindset helps me maneuver through the snakes.

Thank you for reading my chat with Milyssa. Learn more about her by following her on social media



