My latest interview is with Sabino Herrera, who is an actor in Dalton, and has been involved with theatre for years. I’ve seen him perform in several productions at Artistic Civic Theatre and Dalton Little Theatre. He’s a fantastic actor!
He will make his directorial debut as director of The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller. He shares with me the joys and challenges of directing and, of course, he tells me three fun facts about himself.
Introducing Sabino…
What do you love about your life right now?
Well, there’s certainly a lot to love in my life right now! Within the coming year, I’ll be graduating from Dalton State College as a History Educator, and I’ve never been more thrilled about it. I’m currently observing as a student teacher at Coahulla Creek High School and the students there are some of the brightest, most-welcoming, and truly awe-inspiring kids anyone could ask for. And to go alongside college, I’ve been doing some truly remarkable shows locally in Dalton: Be it doing lights in Dalton Little Theatre’s Peter and The Star Catcher, Acting for Conasauga Shakespeare Coalition’s Romeo And Juliet, or Directing in Artistic Civic Theatre’s The Crucible. I feel that there’s a lot of excellent theatre that goes on in Northwest Georgia and I would recommend everyone who’s ever been interested in doing a show to give Dalton a try. Be you a newcomer, a veteran of the stage, or somewhere in the middle, there’s something for everyone.
You’ve been acting in community theatre for years and most recently at Dalton Little Theatre in the musical, Little Shop of Horrors as Mr. Mushnik, the owner of the shop, and you’ve acted at Artistic Civic Theatre too. Was there a particular play, film, or actor who inspired you to act?
It was way back in middle school where I found my love for acting. It was a free day in Dalton Middle School Chorus, and our teacher put on a musical for the class to watch. Little did I know that the musical would become the catalyst for the rest of my life. Fiddler On The Roof is a truly moving show about love, loss, tradition, and change. The music is outstanding and the story can bring you to tears in one moment, and laughing your lungs out in the next. From then on, I made an effort to pursue theatre in my life, to inspire in others the same love I felt while watching Fiddler.
You will make your directorial debut at ACT for the play The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller. What was the reason or reasons you pick this play to direct?
I have to admit, it’s a great time of the year to have it on stage. I’ve been a fan of The Crucible since I read it back in high school. My love for this show was rekindled when my friend, Kate Southerland, mentioned it off-handedly in a conversation last year. The story is a deep, disturbing view of what blind mob- mentality can do and an allegory for McCarthyism. The Crucible itself got Miller questioned and convicted by the Committee of un-American Activities, clapping him for contempt of court for refusing to identify others in meetings he had been in. It’s a story that even now, is relevant, warning about the dangers of ignorance and what unchecked power can lead to.
What has it been like to be the director and not acting on stage?
It’s funny that you mention that, as I’m actually doing both at the same time! I get to direct and play one character, Francis Nurse, in The Crucible. It has definitely been a significant change of pace and shines a new light into different aspects that go into a show that an actor rarely thinks about. Budgeting, set-building, team-building, advertising, all these components and more go into making an excellent show.

Tell me about the joys and challenges of directing?
A joy I’ve found while directing is seeing just how much actors grow and build their characters up. To be able to witness in real time, an actor spread their wings and take leaps in their character, while also growing close to their acting partners has been wonderful to see. To contrast this, a challenge I’ve found while directing is being able to adapt your blocking at a moment’s notice. Sometimes your original ideas don’t pan out like you want them to, and you need to accommodate! Be it for narrative reasons, or maybe you’re switching from one stage to another, adaptability is key.
You do a lot of fantastic promotion when you’re in a play and you do it with memes which I love. I think it’s a unique approach to the promotion of a play. How did you get started doing that?
I believe it started back in high school, and then later ramped up as I got more into community theatre. It’s a fun way to catch people’s attention when they’re scrolling, and it’s not something you see many people do in promotions in general. I’ve noticed that memes effectively serve as ways for both younger and older generations to digest information and be easily understood by all.
It’s a great way to shake things up and a lot of younger people have come out to shows because my memes caught their attention. I’ll definitely be making some for the show as we get closer to performances!

Who do you look up to in theatre as inspiration for you?
Alex Brightman has been a great inspiration for me when it comes to acting. He has such excellent energy, a sharp wit, and is one of the friendliest humans in the theatre. He caught my attention when Beetlejuice: The Musical started gaining popularity and I have been hooked on him ever since. From singing, dancing, and acting, the man can do it all! Now directorially, I’ve had a more local inspiration. My previous theatre teacher, Wes Phinney, taught me most everything I know when it comes to making a show. His management skills, vision, and approachability are second to none and have been something I’ve strived to achieve myself.
Those two are very talented and inspiring. I’m sure the answer to the next question will inspire someone that’s reading this chat. Sabino, if you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what message would you want to convey to millions? What would it say and why?
“Laugh More, love those around you, and seize the day.” Never be too shy to live out the life you want to live. Before theatre, I was introverted beyond belief and was a hermit compared to how I am today. I let so many opportunities slip me by because of it, and it only takes one step of your own accord to change the trajectory of your life forever. Never be afraid to jump,never be afraid to show love and compassion to your fellow man, and most last but certainly not least, never be afraid to laugh and enjoy yourself.
Describe yourself in one word.
After The Crucible, what next do you have planned for the stage?
I’m actually already in another show! I’ll be playing Professor Bhaer in Little Women, directed by the always talented Meg Phinney at the ACT! Performances for that will be November 28th, 29th, 30th, and December 1st, 5th, 6th, and 7th!
Alright, Sabino, tell me three fun facts about you. Now, if you can share a secret if you dare,but it has to be fun.
1. I’m learning to play the violin!
2. Including The Crucible and Little Women, I have done 23 shows back-to-back since August 2021! Be it in ACT, DLT, or CSC.
3. I graduate college next spring!
That’s a lot of acting! I love ending the chat with a quote. Do you have a favorite quote or saying that has inspired and motivated you in your life that you can share with my readers?
“Remember–hate is always foolish…and love is always wise. Always try to be nice and never fail to be kind.”–Doctor Who. As humans, we live for only the briefest of moments, and it’s our jobs to make the most of it. This applies not only to making the most of it for us, but for others as well.
Thank you for reading my interview with Sabino. If you’re in town in late October and first weekend in November, go see The Crucible and support community theatre and our awesome talent in Dalton.

Follow Sabino on social media and link to buy tickets at ACT.