Interview with Scott Kyle…Actor and Producer.

I’ve been wanting to do this interview since May with Scott Kyle who is from Scotland, and finally it’s here for all of you to read. Scott has been acting for quite some time and loves what he does. He gives back to his commnuity and has a passion of helping others. 

He’s acted on stage as well as films and television shows. He shares with me the joys of acting and his time on Outlander which is on Starz, and one of my favorite shows of all time.  Just from what I’ve learned about Scott is that finding a script in a library was a pivotal moment in his life which led to so much. I’m not going to tell all about that in the opening here, so read on and learn all about it. 

Introducing Scott Kyle….

What do you love about your life right now?

 Karen and I have just given a home to a lovely wee chihuahua dog called Milo, so he is experiencing the world for the first time and that’s creating a lot of excitement in our home!

You’ve been an actor for quite some time since your college days. Was there anybody in particular or a film or play that inspired you to become an actor?

So many great actors for so many different reasons. I loved Jim Carrey when I was young (and still do). I always looked up to actors who were kind off screen and folks who I felt had more to them than just the acting (Keanu Reeves).

Also, was this something you dreamed about doing growing up?

I think I’m still pursuing that one, and would love to become a public speaker and share my story with other people, hopefully inspiring the next young guys like me that aren’t sure what they want to do in life. A huge part of this journey is going to be completing my book (hopefully this month) and getting it published. The plan would be to promote it to as many people as possible to generate the audience for my talks.

You’ve been in the hit time travel drama show Outlander on Starz. It is one of my favorite shows which I almost gave up on watching during the first episode. Thankfully, I didn’t because I wouldn’t have come across you. Your character Ross the Smith, who was recruited to fight in the Jacobite Rising, with Jamie Frasier’s men. I quite like that part of the show because it reminds me of one of my ancestors (my great grandfather) who fought in that and got sent to the American colonies as punishment. With you being a Scotsman, have you learned if any of your ancestors were part of the Jacobite Rising? If so, did it affect you in playing the character?

I’m not aware of my family being Jacobites, so hopefully they all lived as happy a life as people could in those days. The biggest inspiration for my character came from Diana Gabaldon’s books. She painted such a clear picture of the characters and the world in her books that I didn’t have to fill in the blanks. That said, I think there is a bit of your soul in every character you play as an actor.

How did you prepare to play the part of Ross?

Lots of reading and research in my own time. I was also fortunate that one season had already been made so I could watch that too.

What did you enjoy about being part of the show Outlander ?

There wasn’t one thing, the entire experience was something that any actor would enjoy. It’s such a tremendous show, and it’s so good that it was a privilege to work on.

You’ve acted on stage, in films,and television shows. Do you have a favorite role that you’ve portrayed? I imagine you might have a couple.

I consider myself very lucky in that I am very proud of all of the parts I have played, and that’s not always the case for actors. Sometimes actors have to take whatever work comes their way, but I have been blessed in the work that has found me.

Coming up soon is the Edinburg Fringe Festival in August, which you’ll be at performing in the play Singing I’m No A Billy He’s A Tim written by Des Dillon.  For those who don’t know, the play is focused on the rivalry between the Old Firm (Rangers and Celtic) football fans. This is like your third time at the festival. You won stage awards best actor award back in 2010 for this play. How excited are you to perform again there?

I think I’m more excited than ever and that’s probably down to the fact that as you mentioned I’ve done the Fringe before, but I think as you get older you really appreciate how big an event it is and that it’s a real honour to be asked to be part of it.

Besides acting in the play, you also help produced the first production. What exactly does a producer do?

In short, they do everything and what I mean by that is they are normally bankrolling the entire project, so they are responsible for every part of the production. This means that you have to have a great team. I’m lucky that I have had a great team with me on the Billy n Tim show and they know me well enough to support me when things get tough.

From what I read, you came across the script by accident in your local library. Do you feel that was an amazing find for you?

I always say that the right roles find the right people, and I truly believe that it was divine intervention.

Because that find led you to produce and act in it and then you won the best actor at the Edinburg Fringe Festival. Through that win led to other acting opportunities like in the film The Angels Share directed by BAFTA Award-winning director Ken Loach, then BAFTA nominated film that you had a starring role in Kilo Two Bravo. So, I take it this was an amazing find?

Picking up the play that day in my local library changed my life in so many ways, not just as an actor, it allowed me to pay off my mother’s mortgage and settle all of her debts. It also reunited me with my dad (who I hadn’t seen in over two decades) and my three sisters and brother who I had never met. That’s definitely divine intervention.

You created No Limit People Theatre Company (NLP) in 2006 while still in college. Almost two decades of leadership with your theatre company and you give back to your community through it and the world with your Highland Fling events every year. Tell me what it means for you to have your theatre company and what you want others to know about.

My wee company was based on an idea that I formed in my mind while working night shift in a supermarket while studying at college during the day. That idea was that I could achieve anything if I put the work in, and I really have worked so hard to make the most of the skills I have (I’m not the best actor or person in the world but I’m better than I used to be and that’s all anyone can hope for in this life).

A now favorite quote of mine is “Now it’s my time to throw down the ladder and help somebody else up” which is a quote of yours from an interview I read you did with Paul Kelbie in Discover Scotland magazine. From what I’ve been reading, you’re doing that. Why is that important to you?

There have been many people over the years from school teachers, football coaches as well as friends and family who really encouraged me and helped me to get on when things were tough, so I try to do the same for other young people when I can.

We all have experience failure more than once and sometimes success follows it. Do you have a favorite failure?

It took me five years to build the biggest theatre show in Scotland and unfortunately for me; I lost it due to the fact that I didn’t secure the long-term rights to the play. That was a painful lesson. That said, I went on to do a lot of other cool projects and now I’m back with my production of the show and it’s going to be bigger and better than ever, so it all worked out just the way it was supposed to!

Tell me about the joys and challenges of being an actor.

I consider myself very fortunate that acting is one of the many things that I enjoy doing and that so have been fortunate enough to live that dream. The biggest challenge for most actors is what to do when that aren’t being hired to be an actor. I, on the other hand, enjoy producing and creating shows, working in theatres and delivering workshops etc so when an acting project comes up it has to be the right fit as I have to step away from all of my other passions to do it.

Is there any advice you would give to someone who wants to pursue a career in acting on stage and film?

Infinite patience produces immediate results.

What are you currently working on?

I’m currently finishing my book, needed to change the ending as I am back doing Singin’ I’m No a Billy, He’s a Tim again. I also have two or three other projects that I have running alongside these so the diary is pretty packed for the next while, but I’m sure I could squeeze in a big tv show if they come calling ha ha!

If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what message would you want to convey to millions? What would it say and why?

“It’s Not Where You Start….” Which just so happens to be the title of my book, so hopefully that will become a reality later this year ha ha!

Describe yourself in one word. 


Alright, Scott, here’s one of my favorite parts of the interview. Tell me three fun facts about you.

I love a good inspirational quote!

I can sleep anywhere ha ha.

I’ve been to three of the countries that have one of the seven wonders of the world and I never want to see them

1. The Colosseum in Italy

2. Petra in Jordan

3.  Chichén Itzá in Mexico

Also went to Egypt and never saw the pyramids, and to Vegas and never saw the Grand Canyon.

I love ending the chat with a quote. Do you have a favorite quote or saying that has inspired and motivated you in your life that you can share with my readers?

“You do not fail in life, you only produce results, and you have the right to learn and grow from any results that you produce.” Wayne W. Dyer

Click here to learn more about Singing I’m No a Billy, He’s a Tim

Thank you for reading my interview with Scott. If you’re an actor or anyone in the creative field, you should feel inspired and encouraged to go for your dreams. He’s living his dreams and knows failure but didn’t give up. So many give up because they can’t see past the rejections and failures. 

One big take away from this inteview for me is the possibility of finding something that can change your life for the better. He came across the script Singing I’m No a Billy, He’s a Tim in his local library, and it changed the course of his life. He didn’t know it at the time.  He considers it a divine intervention, and it can happen for you too. 

If you want to learn more about Scott, follow him on social media.

