“Your dreams don’t have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again.” Unknown.
I’ve been writing for a long time, and I’m an author of three children’s books. Back in 2015, I was interested in screenwriting, and I wrote a film short and sent it to a contest. I received the feedback, and it was very humbling, to say the least. I had written three, but I lost interest in it because of work and personal stuff. The dream seemed dead to me, or so I thought.
Fast forward to 2023. My Mother was sick, and she passed away in July of that year. Losing her was very hard, and I started writing about how I felt through poetry and notes in my phone. A play about it even crossed my mind, but I decided to wait before starting. I decided to first update my blog where I interview creatives for it and share their journeys and stories. I love doing that! My site was up and running with a cool design in January 2024, and I even designed my logo with the help of an app.
In the process of my site being designed, I went back to my idea of writing a play, but screenwriting was something I knew I had to look into as well. The desire to see an idea of mine go from my mind to my laptop to then being performed on the stage and on the big screen was something I wanted. I felt I have to do this. I have enjoyed story telling for years, and I want to inspire people with my art which is writing.
So in January 2024, I started back with my interviews with creatives and my first one was with the owner of Garmony House, which is one of my favorite businesses downtown. I was enjoying the chats, but in my heart, I knew I needed to pursue my dream as a playwright and screenwriter. To find some inspiration and support for a friend, I went to Los Angeles in May for a film premiere titled Breathe: The Run Saga that my friend Tabiyus was showing. I saw some of my friends there at the premiere who I was friends with from the Atlanta film scene and met some new ones.
Duing my trip there in Cali, I went to the Last Bookstore in downtown LA and bought a book by Edward Burns who I just watched a film he was in on the plane on my way to LA. While staying in my Airbnb, I started reading his book Three Screenplays. I finished reading it when I got home, and I loved it. I showed the book on Facebook and my friend Chris, who is a VIP on my blog and a screenwriter and my mentor, recommended his other book Independent Ed, which I bought and devoured it. It was about his writing process and filmmaking. He also gave background information on his films. I felt inspired and encouraged after reading it.
After reading Edward Burns’ books, I got out one of my notebooks and started writing film ideas down. If I didn’t have a notebook, I would write the idea down in my notes section of my phone. I even started journaling, which my friend Jennifer recommended and it has helped me with my dream as a writer and in my personal life.
I wanted to find a book about screenwriting specifically. I started looking online, and I came across Kill the Dog by Paul Guyot. It says on the cover that it’s the first book on screenwriting that tells you the truth. I respect that. But I didn’t like the title, but he explains why the book has that title. It makes sense now that I know why. If you’re a writer or want to be a screenwriter, ignore the title, buy the book and read it. I purchased both the paperback and audiobook versions. I’m listening to it while I’m writing this, and it’s about my third time listening to it.
I joined his subscriber list, and he invited me to a Zoom call for screenwriters that he was hosting. You could ask him anything on this zoom. So, I wrote some questions, and hopped on the call while on break at work. He called on me, and I asked him if someone like me who lives in a small town had a chance at this screenwriting thing. Honestly, I was lacking confidence in my ability to become a screenwriter. I almost didn’t hop on the call. He responded to me and said, “Put two fingers on your neck and feel your pulse.” I did that. He then said, “You have a pulse.” Thankfully, I had a pulse and still do. He also said, “You have a shot at this because you are here. Get out of your own way.” He said more than that, but his comments made an enormous impact on me. I would like to just say coming across his book and reading it was a pivotal point in my life. Kill The Dog by Paul Guyot gave me hope and opened my eyes to things about screenwriting that I was clueless about. I especially love the chapters titled “Write What You Know” and “The Writer’s Voice”.
During the summer of 2024, I’ve written two screenplays and started another one. I’ll finish that one later. During the summer of 2024, I became friends with Melody, who is also a creative, and she is a writer as well. She also has gone to film school and has acted on screen too. She will direct my first film this year. Yes, you read that right, I’m making my first film this year, a short titled I’m Not Fine. My other friend Jan, who is part of the same theatre as I am, is going to help find the location. I’m excited about this journey I’m on and doing this with friends. Here’s another exciting part of this: I’ll be acting in it. This screenwriting has also led me to even act in my film, which I wasn’t planning on doing, and that’s getting me out of my comfort zone. My only acting experience has been in the theatre, so this will be a challenge for me.
I am thankful my screenwriter dream isn’t dead. If you have a dream, I say go for it. If you are no longer pursuing your passions, discover the reason for this. But If you still want to go for your dreams, I say try again. You have nothing to lose if you do. I have nothing to lose, so I’m going for it. Keep Dreaming and working your dream. I wish you the best in your journey.