Latest Chat… Fadi Helou of Jerusalem & WFF Model

Photo by Justin Chong of Singapore
Photo by Katrin Viil of Amersterdam
A wonderful picture of Fadi on his Instagram page with this quote:
“Be fearless, pursue what sets your soul on fire.”
Fadi in Thailand competiting

All of us have a story to tell and something that just might inspire someone we don’t know. You never know who may be watching you and listening to what you have to say. It’s one of the reasons why I love to connect with individuals and interview them whether they’re an actor, writer, or dancer.
I can imagine that you can sit and think of someone who inspired you to go for your dreams or just to be a better person.

My latest interview is with Fadi Helou, a WFF Sports model 1st Runner Up, who resides in Singapore. He has competed internationally in Thailand and Ireland. He was inspired to get into shape by Arnold Schwarzenegger.The first film that he saw Arnold in was “The Terminator”, and his uncle took him to the film. Little did Arnold know that he would make such a big impact on a little boy living in Jerusalem.

Introducing Fadi…..

I just want to say first off that I love your Instagram page. One of your posts is a picture of you, and I believe you can see every muscle. You definitely have worked hard to achieve that. You post a quote at the bottom of it “The best project you’ll ever work on is you.” Why is that so, just your body or mind or all of you?

I am referring to everything…my body, my thoughts. Life is a project and it only end when you die.

To prepared for your last photo shoot, what did you do?

It took me a week to week to be stage ready for the shoot. A very extreme diet with no carbs for 4 days.

Where were you born?

I was born and raised in Jerusalem on the Palestinian side.

Where did you attend college?

Georgia Southern and graduated with Bachelor of Science in IT in 2004.

You have competed in a World Fitness Federation competitions (WFF International and WFF Asia) this year alone. How long have you been competing?

I just started in October 2016.

What started or sparked your journey into fitness modeling/competition?  I know you mention that Arnold Schwarzenegger had an impact on you as well.

I’ve been working out since the age of 15. I used to be skinny. I felt unsafe growing up which sparked my interest. I thought I have to grow some guns to protect myself.
I never thought about competing. I used to go out and party every weekend just like everyone else, then wake up and feel awful the next day. Back in October 2015, one day I woke up, and I thought to myself “this is it I’m done, I can’t keep doing this.’ Life is too short, and I want to use my time wisely and make my weekends more productive. I also happened to have dated a girl who competed in bikini back then which inspired me to take my fitness to the next level. I set some goals and decided I would do two competitions.

What is your fitness routine consist of?

Cardio every day for 30-40 minutes. After work, I hit the weights and do meal prep and get some good sleep.

Do you write down your goals?

My goals and plans are all in my head. I ask myself “What have I done to bring myself closer to my goal?” For me, things like networking with the right people, planning my finances, or keeping my fitness lifestyle on track or just doing something productive is what brings me closer to my goals. Also ask yourself “what you can avoid?”  For example, having a conversation with someone who drains you. Basically, avoid useless things.

I noticed that you’re also a model for Muscletics. Can you tell me more about it?

Yes, there are a few pictures of me on their Instagram page. It’s a worldwide premium fitness clothing brand.  They use premium fabrics and most designs are performance friendly and made for people going to the gym.

You share a quote with almost every post on Instagram. This one “Ability is limitless, be more, do more.” Do you share them to inspire others or based on what you’re doing?

I share quotes because they inspire me. I like that I can relate to the quotes, and I know that I inspire others. The quotes are just a reinforcement for me. I have received messages from people who I’ve inspired by my quotes; I receive messages from strangers as well as people I haven’t heard from in awhile.

Are you a believer in positive thinking?

Yes, obviously.

Do you read books?

I mainly listen to podcasts like Lewis Howse and Tony Robbins.

Tell me three fun facts about you.

Well, growing up I had different nicknames. Friends used to call me Arnold. He’s been my idol since five.
In college, my friends used to say “Fadi with the body”.
If I don’t drink milk, I don’t go to sleep. I have to drink one every night.

If you were on a deserted island, what movie would you take?

“The Godfather” and “Goodfellas”

What is ONE thing in the world that you would change if you could?

I would change people’s prejudice.

You share wonderful quotes, but is there one that you go to for personal motivation?

Every single day. “I don’t believe in circumstances, I believe in effort.” We can always blame someone. Someone could say my circumstances don’t allow me to do anything. Effort is the only thing that can change things. Change is by effort.

As you’ve read, Fadi has proved that you can change your body with taking care of it and achieving fitness by dedication to your body. You can see the proof for yourself in the pictures below. Truly, it all starts in the mind to do it, but ultimately change is by effort as he said so eloquently.

Follow him on his social medial and check out the business that he models for as well as his YouTube channel.

His links are below.


Business he models for:


Change by effort …proof…(his IG page)
One of his great pictures from Instagram with quote:
“Ignite the fire inside you, don’t be still. Always strive to do more and be more.”
Fadi modeling for Muscletics

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