My chat with Chozy Aiyub… Entrepreneur and Visionary

The world needs dreamers, but most of all the world need DREAMERS who DO.
Chozy is doing that….making his dreams happen.
Chozy wearing his “Atlanta style” hoodie
Interview with Chozy Aiyub….entrepreneur and visionary
When I think of the word immigrant, I think of one who has hopes and dreams and who left their homeland to plant their lives in another country. I definitely would not have anything negative to say about immigrants unlike a certain candidate who may be elected to the highest office in the land here in America. I’m descended from immigrants as most of America is and some are presently immigrants today.  As my ancestors had hopes of living a better life abroad here in America, so does the individual of my latest interview. He left his family and friends to live in the United States.
The quote “The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all the world needs dreamers who do” by Sarah Ban Breathnach.  He’s a dreamer who does. He just doesn’t talk about his dreams; he goes for them and pursues them like a lion with a fearless appetite to gain what he wants. For in this life of such a competitive world whether it’s in acting, business, fashion or writing, you have to have an appetite…an appetite to win and to succeed.  He has referred to himself as a hustler. Well, he is that and so much more.
His name is Chozy Aiyub, and I have a feeling the whole world will get to know him better. Presently, he lives in what so many people are calling the Hollywood of the South…Atlanta, Georgia. 

Introducing Chozy
I noticed on Instagram you have a picture of you that says “I Am Palestine”, that’s where you’re from and do you miss home? 

Yes, I’m from Palestine…born and raised.  I went to a French school called “Collage Des Frere “which means college /school of brothers, and it was for Palestinians of both Muslim and Christian faith. The school was in the old city of Jerusalem. The entrance gate is huge and is very ancient. I came to US in 2001 for a better life and more opportunities. I attended college at Georgia Southern University (major in computer science) and masters in graphic design. I do miss home, and I do try to go once a year around the holidays.
 You’re quite a very motivated and driven guy who does web design and has created a clothing line as well. What inspired you to create your clothing line?

I was actually reading a book called “The 10X Rule” by Grant Cardone, where he talks about his story of how he was in sales, lost his job, thought his life is over, then pushed through,  and now he is a millionaire. The book motivated me, and one night I was reading it till 4am, all of a sudden I closed the book, and said: I am going to create a clothing brand. Since design is my strong suit, that was a no brainer. In 24 hours I created the e-commerce site, a brand name and logo, and had 10 designs already live on the website. Everything happened pretty quickly.
Your businesses “Chozen Style” clothing  and “Chozy Designs” which is for designing web designs and branding among other things, did you choose “Chozen” to play off  of your name Chozy? I’m guessing you did and by the way, it’s very clever. The point is that your creations/businesses is that the customer has a choice to choose what they want from you, am I right which ultimately leads to the customer being a happy one?

 You are definitely right. I wanted to play off my name and create a brand that will eventually offer customers everything they need. It is a Chozen brand, where you can get all your needs, kind of like a one stop shop. So the clothes, app and design is only the beginning.
From what I’ve seen of your website is that a customer can have their city represented in the “chozen style” logo which is called “rep your city”, how many cities have you designed so far?

I started with 6,  and I had many requests via email and social media; the contact form is on the site. I currently have 14 on the site, and I am sure it will still grow. My goal is to have one for every city in the world.
What else do you sell besides leggings, shirts, tank tops, and hoodies?  And are there any other clothing items that you’re working on?

I do have other items such as hats, totes, mugs, and throw pillows. And I am currently working on adding custom phone covers and sunglasses on the site pretty soon.
Do you have a favorite style that you’ve designed?

It is probably between the Fight in Style and the Dreamer Style. I enjoyed working on the custom Fight in Style design that was initially created for Chelsea Brooke (an MMA Fighter that told me to create a custom design for her), after she received it and posted pictures online, the demand was high and I had to put it on the site. For the Dreamer Style, I had Profound (a hip-hop artist) ask for a unique style about people with dreams that fight through everything to make their dreams come true. So that is when I created that design for him, and the demand once again is high so I had to put it on the website as well.
What inspired you to create your business Chozy Designs? 

 At a young age, I always enjoyed drawing and painting which eventually transformed into a graphic design hobby.
After doing a couple of flyers for several venues, I started getting more and more work as a freelance designer, so I decided to start my own graphic design firm.
My job is to make the world a beautiful place with my designs.
How long has it been a business? 
10 years and counting
Chozy Designs consists of web design, graphic design and branding. Which involves more time to create?
Web design can be time consuming as people usually are not sure what info they want to display so the process can elongate. Logos are also a challenge especially when the customer has no idea what they want. My job is to make something for them that will make them happy and satisfied.
 What is exactly branding? How does it help a business?
If you want to stand out in today’s competitive world, you have to look different. Branding is pretty much the process of creating you unique look (brand) that is consistent throughout your marketing channels. So once a customer sees something, he automatically connects it with that specific brand. From the logo, to the backgrounds, to the effects, to the wording, that is all part of branding.
  I’ve read some reviews about your business and all were excellent from “Chozy is very focused and gets the job done” to “his designs ‘wow’ my clients” and “he always exceed my expectations.”
With that being said, it’s obvious you provide top notch services. 
What else can customers expect and what would you want a potential customer to know?
I work fast and deliver fast. I listen to my customers and make sure I exceed their expectations. To get exactly what you want, the best thing to do is do your research and have a good idea of what you want, what the name of your company is, what  colors you are interested in seeing, and have a budget because you get what you paid for. So if you want to spend $20, you will get a $20 logo (which I have seen designers take something right off the internet.) If you spend $300, you will get a $300 logo that will be unique and nobody else will have. In order to look good, you have to spend some money.
Where do you see yourself in a year?

It is hard to tell but hopefully somewhere in LA being involved in the film, music and fashion industry.
Tell me 3 fun facts about you and what you enjoy.

I like to have a good time, joke around, laugh and be silly.
I enjoy dancing and I am usually the first to hit the dance floor.
I have had many hobbies/talents growing up and I was pretty good at them: deejaying, rapping, painting, drawing, boxing, skateboarding, soccer, basketball, playing piano, guitar, drums, modeling, and so many other random things.
I love to end my interviews with a motivational quote or inspirational quote. Is there one that you can share with the readers?

“If you learn from your past and hustle in the present that will determine where you stand in the future.” –Chozy A.
Chozy is also a model and actor…Photo credit: Moreland Photography
Chozen Style